How Do I Find and Delete Video Files Shorter Than or Equal To 3 Seconds?
How do I find and delete a bunch of short (Live Photo) video files in a Macos folder containing 1400 iPhone video files? I have 1400 videos from various iPhone backups. Amongst them are a number of...
View ArticleHow Do I Adjust Line Shading Within a Folder?
Every other line in a folder is shaded a touch darker … is there a way to adjust the amount of shading to make it darker? It would be easier to delineate each line from one another —– Line Shade question
View ArticleHow Do I Take Remainders Of Cell and Use for a New Formula In a Different Cell?
How can I make the answer to an if statement division problem display a whole number and take the remainder of that value for a formula in another cell? Sorry new to numbers. Cubic Yards to size of...
View ArticleHow Do I Make the Preview Move To… More Efficient?
When I use File > Move To… in Preview it presents me with a collapsed Finder window in the dialog and in order to move the file to any folder not in sidebar or the file path above the existing...
View ArticleIs It Ok To Have Two Computers Connected To ONE iCloud Account?
Thank you for your video on Users. If I have a user account on my son’s computer that is connected to my Icloud, but I also have my own computer connected to my iCloud, can the cloud maintain both sets...
View ArticleIs There a Pages To PDF File Conversion Shortcut?
An automator or script to convert .pages documents to .pdf right from the finder ie. select a pages document in the finder (or docum ents! – batch would be great!), quick action to make pdf version of...
View ArticleHow Do I Add a Carriage Return On iPad Pro Numbers Using Internal iPad Keyboard?
How Do I Insert a “Carriage Return” In a Numbers Cell using iPad pro internal keyboard? I have a cell in numbers that i need to have 3 different staff members add notes and i need a couple of carriage...
View ArticleHow Do I Store Files Locally On My iPhone When Using iCloud Drive?
How do I store some Pages and Numbers documents locally on my iPhone? Often I am not ‘online’ while using my iphone. I’d like to be able to access one of my Numbers and/or my Pages documents but can...
View ArticleHow Do I Add Page Numbers To PDF Files Opened In Preview?
In Preview, is there a way to add page numbers as footers? When I open PDF file in Preview and print the pages, I would like to be able to number them so when the pages get mixed up, I know which order...
View ArticleHow Do I Get an Object In Keynote To Do 2 Animations Simultaneously?
In Keynote, I want an object to enter the screen while rotating. So build 1 is Move In, and build 2 is Rotate. But I can’t get build 2 to start with Build 1, only on click or after. Thanks for any...
View ArticleHow Do I Increase Storage On iPhone for Software Update?
Unable to complete the iOS 17.4.1 software update on my iPhone 12 because message ‘More Storage Required’ appears. Not sure what best way to do this is. Have recently attempted to download the iOS...
View ArticleHow To Create TextEdit Document With Custom Tab Stops?
Is there a way I can create Text Edit document with Custom Tab Stops? I want to save Text Edit document with multiple tab stops and save it while creating some lists. —– Lali
View ArticleHow Do I Minimize Time Wasted With Spam Messages In Messages On Mac?
On my Mac I receive spam messages in Messages that I do not receive on my iPhone. On the Mac it is roughly 5 clicks to block and delete the message. The process is much simpler on the iPhone, with the...
View ArticleHow Do I Screen Share With a Mac That Is Not On the Same Network?
Is it possible to screen share with someone who is not on the same network? I am going to send a new MB Air to a nephew, and I would like help him get started. He is several states away. —– Robert...
View ArticleHow To Limit the Numbers Of Characters In a Cell?
In google sheets I use a LEN Funtion to limit the # of characters in a cell to 20, (including spaces), or less. It gives me a warning if the # of characters exceeds 20. Is there a way to do this in...
View ArticleWhen Will I Need To Buy a New iPhone?
What is the oldest iPhone model that will be able to run on iOS 18? I have an iPhone 12SE running iOS 17.5.1. I’m afraid that at some point I will not be able to upgrade the iOS, and will have to get a...
View ArticleHow Do I Share an Article From Apple News To Social Media?
I have a MacBook Air 2023, M2 chip, laptop. How can I share a story from The Atlantic channel in the Apple News app to Facebook or other social media? I want to share the information presented in an...
View ArticleHow Do I Search for Broken Aliases?
Hi Gary. Is there a way to search for all broken aliases? And if there isn’t, can I somehow search for ALL aliases, broken or not? Thank you. Since I upgraded my MacBook (and thus my OS) I have found...
View ArticleWhat Are Common Commands To Use When Dictating On My iPad Instead Of Typing?
When using my voice for texts, emails etc.: Is there a list of common instructions or way to train my iPad to voice things like parentheses, abbreviations and other commonly written commands that I...
View ArticleHow Do I Delete Multiple Text Messages At One Time From Different Numbers?
How to delete multiple messages at one time from different phone numbers. By messages I mean in the left column from multiple phone numbers (not the messages within each phone number). I can only do it...
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